Find A Dealer

We have two locations in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Call us today for Dealer opportunities!

Our Locations

11278 Route 220
Dushore, PA 18614
49 Albe Drive
Newark, DE 19702

For dealer contact inquiries please call

Phone: 570.928.7300
Fax:       570.928.0981
Business Hours:
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
RACERS:  Please arrive before 4:00 pm to get loaded, allow for changes in order, additional product, etc.

About Insinger Performance

Insinger Performance is a 37 year old Petroleum company who distributes fuels for Home, Farm, Commercial, Convenience Stores, and supplier of special blends for the Natural Gas and Oil Industry. Insinger also is a large supplier of Race Fuels covering many states in the US and also Canada

Contact Us

Insinger Performance
11278 ROUTE 220
Dushore, PA 18614
Phone: 570.928.7300
Fax: 570.928.0981
©2020 Insinger Performance Inc. | Website designed by Sozo Hosting